
Easy development Server on Vagrant

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Make it very easy to setup a complete development stack (MySQL, PHP, NodeJS, etc) in a matter of minutes.



Download Vagrantfile to project_name_dir and up server

$ cd project_name_dir
$ wget http://ilyar.github.io/localserver/Vagrantfile
$ vagrant up

The project is available at http://project_name_dir.local/


$ vagrant suspend # suspends the machine
$ vagrant halt # stops the vagrant machine
$ vagrant destroy -f # stops and deletes all traces of the vagrant machine

And like any other vagrant file you have SSH access with:

$ vagrant ssh

also can run once command:

$ ssh vagrant@localserver pwd

Docs for setup IDE

Technical Details

  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 32-bit (for use 64-bit set VM_ARCH=64)
  • Apache 2
  • MySQL 5.5
  • PHP 5.5 (with modules: apc, memcached, cli, curl, gd, imap, mysql, mcrypt, sqlite, xdebug, xsl, pear, intl, tidy, readline) and tools:
  • NodeJs (node, npm, bower)

We are using the base Ubuntu 14.04 box from Vagrant. If you don't already have it downloaded the Vagrantfile has been configured to do it for you. This only has to be done once for each account on your host computer.

The web root is located in the project directory and you can install your files there.

Default credentials


Externally the MySQL server is available at localserver:3306, and when running on the VM it is available as a socket or at port 3306 as usual. Username: root Password: local

Project settings for customize in Vagrantfile

custom_project_name  = false # default from project name folder
custom_project_host  = false # default `project_name.local`
custom_project_alias = false # default `www.project_name.local`

custom_ip_address    = false # default ""
custom_default_host  = false # default "localserver"

custom_vm_arch       = false # default 32  or VM_ARCH
custom_vm_memory     = false # default 512 or VM_MEMORY
custom_vm_cores      = false # default 1   or VM_CORES